As we go into 2025, I decided to try one new thing with my team as a way to build community and collaboration. Here’s the message I sent to them to kick off the year. Thought you might like to try it, as well…
“Dear team, over the break, I got to do a lot of planning and thinking about where we are headed as we go into KL’s 25th year. I will be sending out a summary of my thinking at the end of next week. However, I wanted to go ahead and get you the one idea I would like to formally introduce this year. It’s an an idea from Jensen Huang called the Top 5 Things email. It’s just a request that by every Friday afternoon, you each send me five bullets of Things I need to know. These can be five simple sentences. It may be an issue you spotted on a delivery, a big idea for business development, a concern you have about the company, or even an idea about where I should take Lee Ann to dinner in Knoxville. Then, I will read them over the weekend and get something back to you by Monday AM to respond. The genesis of the idea is in the article below.
I’m going into 2025 really bullish and am eager to use this as a better way to get your ideas on the table so we can be bold.
Appreciate each of you. You drive what we get to do every day! John”
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